Figure 2. cdk4 is critical for glioma development.
(A and B) Cdk4 deficiency prevents RCAS-HA-PDGF induced tumor development in nestin-tvA mice. These panels are arranged as described in the legend to figure 1. (A) Survival. wild type; n=55, cdk4+/−; n=91, cdk4−/−; n=16. cdk4+/+ versus cdk4−/−; log rank, p=0.0002. (B) Gross tumor formation was determined by H&E staining, and confirmed by the complete lack of cyclin D1 immunoreactivity in the brains of these animals (data not shown). (C and D) Nestin expression is unaffected by deletion of cdk4. (C) Immunohistochemical analysis of neonatal brains showing nestin expression (brown deposits) as long filaments extruded between apposed cells. (D) Flow cytometry. Neonatal brains were removed and single cell suspensions generated prior to labeling with anti-nestin antibodies and analysis by flow cytometry. Overlaid fluorescence intensity curves for representative mice are shown.