Physicochemical property trends of small molecules stratified into lower (<500 Daltons) and higher (>500 Daltons) molecular weight categories, and associated with various subcellular localizations. For each localization class, Z-scores were used to compare differences in molecular properties of localizing vs. non-localizing molecules. Z-scores with an absolute value greater than 3.1 were highlighted in bold, indicating a significant trend associated with a specific localization. Z-scores with absolutes value greater than 3.1 and with a different sign from the Z-score of molecular weight were underscored. Z-scores for molecular descriptors that exhibited consistent (same sign) and significant differences between localizing vs. non-localizing compounds in both lower and higher MW groups were shaded in grey. Chemicals with reported ER/Golgi and Cyto localization were excluded from this analysis due to the small number of chemicals.