The localization of TM helices in globular, transmembrane, and prion
proteins. For comparison, 6–6 homologs of three TM and three globular
proteins that have a similar relative similarity dendogram to that of
the selected six prion proteins were selected (proteins are given by
SWISS-PROT accession no. or ID). For each protein, TM helices are
predicted by four prediction methods and are shown by color coding as
follows: TOPPRED (green), DAS (red), PHDhtm (blue), and HMMTOP
(yellow). A TM region (defined as in the legend of Table 2) is boxed if
predicted by three (gray) or four (black) methods. Please note that
there are only 11 globular proteins of 523 for which at least three
methods predict a TM region (cf. Table 2); only three could be found
with a relative similarity dendogram as shown.