Table 6.
Late rectal and urinary toxicity of prospective hypofractionation studies using ≥ 3 Gy per fraction
Author | Fractionation Schedule |
Fraction Size (Gy) | EQD2 if α/β 1.5† | EQD2 if α/β 3‡ |
Grade ≥ 2 rectal toxicity | Grade ≥ 2 urinary toxicity |
Present study | 45 Gy/9 | 5 | 83.6 | 72.0 | 8%/19%§ | 11%/24%§ |
Martin et al (13) | 60 Gy/20 | 3 | 77.1 | 72.0 | 6% (5 years) | 10% |
Rene et al (24) | 66 Gy/22 | 3 | 84.9 | 79.2 | 25%* | 32%* |
Arcangeli et al (14) | 62 Gy/20 | 3.1 | 81.5 | 75.6 | 17% (3 years) | 14% |
Coote et al (18) | 57-60 Gy/19-20 | 3 | 73.3-77.1 | 68.4-72.0 | 9.5% (2 years) | 8% |
Madsen et al (20) | 33.5 Gy/5 | 6.7 | 78.5 | 65.0 | 7.5% | 20% |
King et al (11) | 36.25 Gy/5 | 7.25 | 90.6 | 74.3 | 15% | 29% |
† EQD2 if α/β 1.5 = biologically effective dose in 2 Gy fractions assuming α/β ratio of 1.5
‡EQD2 if α/β 3 = biologically effective dose in 2 Gy fractions assuming α/β ratio of 3
§Crude rate at 31 months/Cumulative three-year rate
*Worse crude rate at anytime during follow-up