(a) Scheme of cofactor arrangement in PS I.
P700 is a pair of chlorophylls that serves as the primary
electron donor. The accessory (“acc”) and A0
chlorophylls are both single chlorophyll molecules; A0 is
known to serve as an intermediate in electron transfer, but the role of
the accessory chlorophyll in this transfer is still not clear (1, 2).
A1 is a phylloquinone. FX, FA, and
FB are 4Fe-4S clusters. Trp represents the tryptophan near
the phylloquinone that has been mutated in this study.
(b–d) Different models to explain the
biphasic kinetics of A reoxidation.
(b) Only one branch is active. A rapid equilibrium is
established between A1 and FX, which is
depleted by forward electron transfer to
FA/FB. (c) Only one branch is
active, but the phylloquinone can exist in one of two possible
conformations, which may be in equilibrium (slow on the time scale of
electron transfer). (d) Both branches are active, but
the two phylloquinones are in slightly different environments, giving
rise to different kinetics of electron transfer to FX.