Figure 2.
Skewed proportions of CD4+ TN, TCM, and TEM cells in FL. (A) Shown are representative plots of healthy donor PBMCs, reactive TN, NLN, RLN, and FL defining CD4+ TN (CD45RA+), TCM (CD45RA−CCR7+), and TEM (CD45RA−CCR7−) populations (numbers above each gate are representative of the percentage of total CD4+ T cells). Proportions of TN, (B), TCM (C), and TEM (D) are expressed as the percentage of the total CD4+ T cells in the indicated tissues. Also shown are the proportions of TCM that are either CXCR3− or CXCR3+ (E) or the proportions of TEM that are either CXCR3− or CXCR3+ (F). Triangles represent values for individual samples, and the rectangles represent averages for each tissue type expressed as a percentage of the total CD4+ T cells (B-D); TCM cells (E-F), or TEM cells (G-H). *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001 compared with FL.