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. 2011 Aug 16;286(40):35104–35118. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.247965



α-Syn inclusions in E46K α-syn transgenic mice bear close morphological resemblance to Lewy bodies in human brains. A, uniformly labeled round α-syn inclusions stained with pSer129 antibody in the pons of a symptomatic 22-month-old M47 transgenic mouse. B, labeling of somatodendritic and neuritic α-syn inclusions stained with pSer129 antibody in the pons of a symptomatic 12-month-old M83 transgenic mouse. Staining of α-syn inclusions with antibody Syn506 in the cerebellum (C) or pons (D) of a symptomatic 22-month-old M47 transgenic mouse showing a clear increased labeling of the outer rim of the inclusions yielding a core and halo profile. Shown are staining with antibody Syn506 of cortical LBs in a human patient with dementia with LB (DLB) (E) and nigral LBs in the SN of a patient with PD (F). Note that cortical LBs usually have a solid round profile, whereas nigral LBs typically have a core and halo profile, where the core is not as intensely labeled. Sections were counterstained with hematoxylin. Bar, 100 μm.