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. 2011 Aug 9;286(40):35218–35226. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.275107


Rg calculation of αIIbβ3 based on EM and SAXS data

Fraction benta Fraction extendeda Rg from SAXS experiment Calculated Rg ensembleb,c
nm nm
Ca2+/Mg2+ 0.91 0.09 5.77 5.60
Mn2+/Ca2+ 0.60 0.40 6.43 6.45
Mn2+/Ca2+ + L-739758 0.20 0.80 7.30 7.41

a Taken from the αIIbβ3 EM class averages in Fig. 2.

b Rc2 = fb × Rb2 + fe × Re2 where Rc is calculated Rg ensemble, Rb is average Rg of bent αIIbβ3, Re is average Rg of extended αIIbβ3, fb is fraction bent, and fe is fraction extended.

c Applying the above equation in the three experimental conditions (R12 = 0.91Rb2 + 0.09Re2 = 5.772 where R1 = Rg in Ca2+/Mg2+, R22 = 0.60Rb2 + 0.40Re2 = 6.432 where R2 = Rg in Mn2+/Ca2+, and R32 = 0.20Rb2 + 0.80Re2 = 7.302 where R3 = Rg in Mn2+/Ca2+ + L-739758) simplifies to Rb2 = 74.81 − 43/57 × Re2 and yields an average calculated Rb of 5.33 ± 0.36 nm and Re of 7.84 ± 0.31 nm.