The C terminus of PLIN1 is required to stabilize ABHD5 on lipid droplets. Expression of endogenous ABHD5 protein detected in total cell lysates from 3T3L1 cells stably expressing WT or mutant PLIN1 (Myc-tagged) (A) and from cells cotransfected with both wild-type (FLAG-tagged) and mutant (Myc-tagged) PLIN1 (B). A, right panel, transcript (mRNA) levels of endogenous ABHD5 normalized to PPIA (n = 3). EV, empty vector. C, ABHD5 localizes to lipid droplets in 3T3L1 cells coexpressing mutant and wild-type PLIN1. Gray scale intensity profiles of Myc/Alexa 488 (pseudo-colored red) and ABHD5/Alexa 594 (pseudo-colored green) were merged to generate the colored panels at the bottom of each cell line. PPIA, peptidyl prolyl isomerase A.