How familiar are you with brain scanning methods? |
To what extent do you think neuroimaging can achieve the following? |
Would you be comfortable having your brain scan used for the following? (e.g. employment screening/marketing research) |
If brain imaging is used for the purposes above, how concerned are you about the following? (e.g. data storage/privacy) |
Can you remember having seen or heard information about Brain Imaging in the following places? (e.g. online/newspaper) |
If you feel that brain imaging should be regulated to protect the public from its potential misuse, then how do you feel that this should be done? (e.g. law/self-regulation) |
Please indicate which methods of neuroimaging outside of tradition uses are you aware of? |
Where would you choose to seek information about uses of neuroimaging outside traditional uses? |
Do you think neuroimaging can presently achieve the following? (e.g. diagnose mental illness/lie-detection) |
What do you think may be the future effects of the widespread use of neuroimaging? (e.g. innovative applications/change legal system) |
Rate in ascending order what you think would be the best strategies to encourage use of neuroimaging within the limitations of its capabilities. (e.g. law/public education) |
How important do you think is it that neuroscientists and clinical researchers communicate with the public about their research? |
How effective do you think the following incentives would be to encourage researchers to engage with the public? (e.g. funding requirement/public exposure) |
Do you think neuroimaging research findings are, in general, accurately portrayed in the media? Why? (e.g. poor journalism/poor media skills by scientist) |
What do you think may be the future effects of the widespread use of neuroimaging? (e.g. new funding opportunities/over-regulation) |