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. 2011 Sep 8;103(19):1452–1460. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djr325

Table 1.

Demographics of enrolled patients*

Patient characteristic Arm 1 (n = 195) Arm 2 (n = 195) Arm 3 (n = 187) Total (n = 577)
Age, No. (%)
    <60,y 82 (42) 90 (46) 72 (39) 244 (42)
    ≥60,y 113 (58) 105 (54) 115 (62) 333 (58)
    Median 63 60 63 62
    Range 33–79 33–79 35–80 33–80
Sex, No. (%)
    Men 122 (63) 125 (64) 124 (66) 371 (64)
    Women 73 (37) 70 (36) 63 (34) 206 (36)
KPS, No. (%)
    70–80 45 (23) 47 (24) 45 (24) 137 (24)
    90–100 150 (77) 148 (76) 142 (76) 440 (76)
Histology, No. (%)
    Squamous 75 (38) 75 (38) 70 (37) 220 (38)
    Adenocarcinoma 53 (27) 73 (37) 52 (28) 178 (31)
    Large Cell 29 (15) 27 (14) 23 (12) 79 (14)
    Combined 2 (1) 2 (1) 8 (4) 12 (2)
    Carcinoma NOS 34 (17) 18 (9) 30 (16) 82 (14)
    Other 2 (1) 0 (0) 4 (2) 6 (1)
AJCC stage, No. (%)
    II 4 (2) 3 (2) 4 (2) 11 (2)
    IIIA 81 (42) 84 (43) 75 (40) 240 (42)
    IIIB 110 (56) 108 (55) 108 (58) 326 (57)
Race, No. (%)
    White 167 (86) 171 (88) 161 (86) 499 (86)
    Hispanic 3 (2) 2 (1) 2 (1) 7 (1)
    Black or African American 20 (10) 19 (10) 17 (9) 56 (10)
    Asian 3 (2) 2 (1) 5 (3) 10 (2)
    Native American 0 (0) 1 (<1) 1 (<1) 2 (<1)
    Other 2 (1) 0 (0) 1 (<1) 3 (1)

Arm 1 was the sequential arm. Arm 2 used the same chemotherapy regimen as arm 1 with 60 Gy thoracic radiotherapy beginning on day 1. Arm 3 used cisplatin at 50 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, 29, and 36 with oral etoposide at 50 mg twice daily for 10 weeks on days 1, 2, 5, and 6 with 69.6 Gy delivered as 1.2-Gy twice-daily fractions beginning on day 1. AJCC = American Joint Commission on Cancer staging; KPS = Karnofsky performance status; NOS = not otherwise specified.