Fig. 4.
Proposed pathway assembly of phages p2 and TP901–1 baseplates. A, Putative p2 baseplate assembly pathway. The initial interactions of ORF15 (green) subunits with a preassembled ORF16 (red) trimer result in the formation of a complex consisting of an ORF16 trimer noncovalently bound to an ORF15 hexamer. This is followed by capture of six ORF18 (blue) trimers. There is no evidence for a complex composed of an ORF15 hexamer bound to ORF 18. B, Schematic representation of one plausible TP901–1 baseplate assembly pathway (see the Discussion section). ORF48 (yellow) and ORF49 (blue) initially form homotrimers and then associate to form Tripods, each composed of [3×ORF48 + 9×ORF49] subunits. ORF46 (pink) oligomerization is then mediated by interactions with ORF48 resulting in the formation of one or two ORF46 hexamers. Overall the TP901–1 baseplate is formed by 6×ORF46 (or 12×ORF46, depicted between parentheses), 18×ORF48 and 54×ORF49.