Intrarenal csCSF-1 and, to a lesser degree, spCSF-1 regulate Mø proliferation and preferentially expanded the Ly6Chi Mø population. (A) Proliferation of TgC/+, TgCS/+, TgSPP/+, TgSGP/+, wild-type (WT), and Csf1op/op mice evaluated by dual staining kidney sections (brown reaction product (F4/80+ cells) = Mø, blue reaction product (Ki67+intracellular) = proliferating cells). Enlargement shows proliferating F4/80+ cells. The data are the means ± SEM. Representative microphotographs are shown; magnification, 40×; enlargement magnification, 100×. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of intrarenal Mø for their capacity to proliferate in the Ly6C subpopulations. The mice were 5 months of age. The values are the means ± SEM.