Analysis of β-galactosidase activity. (A) pDNlac-flaAFp, pDNlac-flhAp, pDNlac-flrAp, and pDNlac-flrBp plasmids in A. hydrophila wild type (AH-405) and AH-3 ΔflhF and AH-3 ΔflhG mutants after growth in TSB at 25°C. (B) pDNlac-lafKp, pDNlac-flaAp, pDNlac-flaBp, and pDNlac-flrBp plasmids in A. hydrophila wild-type (AH-405) after growth in plates at 25°C. As a control we also measured the pDN19lacΩ promoterless plasmid. The results shown are representative of three independent experiments.