Fig. 9.
a and b Example of two vocalizations exhibiting strong AM. Bilateral airflow and the presence of the same f0 in both bronchi and in the thoracic air sac, indicate that both sides of the syrinx are producing the same f0, which in the middle of the second syllable, is about 917 Hz. c This f0 is accompanied by a modulating frequency m0 at about 110 Hz, which generates side bands at f0 ± m0 and 2f0 ± m0. Additional side bands are also present. Note the prominent formants produced by the vocal tract resonance Wlter. The airflow signal for the left bronchus is clipped during peak inspiratory flow rates which exceeded the dynamic range of the amplifier. 2048 point FFT. See Fig. 1 legend for abbreviations. (Magpie 2, 01–569)