Figure 1.
The potential energy landscape of an atomic pair interaction as a function of both the inter-atomic distance ri j and λ. Both electrostatic and van der Waals soft-core potentials are used. Typical values for atomic partial charges and Lennard-Jones parameters from the Amber forcefield23,24 have been used. At regions of low λ both the strong van der Waals repulsion at small ri j and the energy minimum at the most favorable interaction distance of approximately 3 Å can be seen. Conversely, at λ-values close to one, the potential energy surface is flat. The problematic intermediate region at λ ≈ 0.3 in which the interplay of softened electrostatic and van der Waals interactions generates a potential curve with two minima (marked A and B) can be distinguished. Values for αLJ and of 0.5 and 3.5 Å were used.