Figure 7. scord5 mutant plants have normal flg22-induced responses other than stomatal closure response.
(A) Stomata apertures of Col-7 and scord5-1 leaf peels treated with flg22 (10 µM). (B) H2O2-dependent luminescence of luminol induced by flg22 (100 nM) in Col-7 and scord5-1seedlings. (C) Callose deposition induced by flg22 (10 nM) in Col-7 and scord5-1 leaves. (D) and (E) Populations of Pst DC3000 at 2 dpi after inoculation with dipping (D; 1×108 CFU/ml) or infiltration (E; 1×106 CFU/ml) following spray with H2O or flg22 (3 µM) a day earlier. Differences were detected by comparing H2O and flg22 treatment. Experiments in (B) and (C) were repeated two and three times, respectively.