Figure 6.
Colonic transit measurements in vitro (A) and in vivo (B, C) in wild-type (WT) and peptide knockout mice, in the absence or presence of Y1 or Y2 receptor antagonists Values are the mean + SEM from mice of different genotypes. In A, Y1 receptor blockade (BIBO3304, 300 nM) inhibited colonic transit in all the genotypes but this was only significantly different from vehicle controls in NPY−/− colon (*P≤ 0.05). Y2 receptor antagonism with BIIE0246 (1 µM) significantly increased WT colonic transit compared with the effect of BIBO3304 (one-way anova, *P≤ 0.05). This difference in WT tissues between antagonist effects was absent from all peptide null mice, significantly so in NPY−/− (P≤ 0.05, two-way anova). In B, the FPO observed in NPY−/− mice was significantly increased compared with all other genotypes after 15 min in a novel environment (*P≤ 0.05, two-way anova). In C, acclimatized, vehicle-treated, NPY−/− mice exhibited a trend for greater FPO, but this and the effects of Y1 or Y2 receptor antagonists were not significantly different from WT rates of defaecation (two-way anova).