Figure 5.
Lack of rebound food intake in DIO mice after cessation of daily s.c. injection with CNTFAx15. DIO mice (n = 7; starting BW ≈50 g) were treated for 3 (A1 and B1) or 7 days (A2 and B2) with vehicle (V) or CNTFAx15 (C, 0.1, 0.3 mg/kg/day), or were pair-fed to the food intake of CNTFAx15-treated mice (P) after which all treatment was stopped and all animals were returned to ad lib feeding. The 24-h food intake (A1 and A2) and change in body weight (percentage from day 0; B1 and B2) was measured throughout both studies. The overeating and rapid return to prerestriction body weight seen after returning pair-fed mice to ad lib feeding was not seen after cessation of treatment with CNTFAx15.