Figure 3.
Effects of VS-105 on serum creatinine and BUN after 2 weeks of i.p. dosing in the 5/6 NX rats. Sham and 5/6 NX rats were treated with vehicle or VS-105 (i.p., 3× a week) for 12 days as described in Methods (n = 7–10 per group). On Day 0 (before dosing) and Day 13 (24 h after the last dosing), blood samples were collected for the measurement of serum creatinine (A) and BUN (B). Means ± SEM were calculated for each group. Unpaired t-test with 95% confidence intervals of difference was performed to assess differences between baseline Day 0 and Day 13. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 versus before treatment.