Table 2.
Clinical, seizure and MRI characteristics, neurodevelopmental outcome for 13 children with neonatal encephalopathy and childhood epilepsy.
Age and Gender | Neonatal Evaluation | Follow-Up | |||
Neonatal seizures | MRI | Epilepsy | Neurodevelopmental outcome* | ||
Deceased Male |
Class 5
Age 2
14 year old male |
Class 1
Age 10
13 year old female |
Class 1
Age 4
13 year old male |
Class 1
Age 4
12 year old male |
Class 0
Age 4
11 year old male | Clinical and electrographic |
Class 0
Age 2
11 year old male | Clinical and electrographic; status epilepticus |
Class 1
Age 4
10 year old female | Clinical and electrographic |
Class 2
Age 5
8 year old female | Clinical and electrographic |
Class 2
No follow up | |
5 year old male | Clinical only |
Class 5
Age 6 months
2.5 year old male | Clinical only |
Class 1
Age 2.5 year
2 year old female | Clinical and electrographic; status epilepticus |
Class 2
Age 1
2 year old female | Clinical and electrographic |
Class 2
Age 1
Bayley II/III Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd and 3rd edition; MDI Mental Developmental Index; WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WPPSI-R Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised; FSIQ Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; AED anti-epileptic drug; NMS neuromotor score; G-tube gastrostomy tube
Neurodevelopmental performance: Scores are from the last evaluation administered. All tests have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. A score of 49 denotes extremely poor performance more than 3 standard deviations or lower, or untestable.