Figure 3. Correlative AFM and fluorescence microcopy automated image alignment.
Correlative microscopy using the Bruker BioScope Catalyst AFM/LM hybrid system with overlay alignment made in real time, pixel by pixel (A). User-defined locations can be targeted for single point force curves for measuring unbinding events (yellow crosses), AFM height image (brown ,35 × 35 μm overlay), or force volume mapping (yellow frame)and with the MIRO canvas fluorescence image can be directly chosen and navigated to using the software. Image provided courtesy of Alexandre Berquand (Bruker), Andreas Holloschi and Petra Kioschis (University of Applied Science). Marker (blue) previously found in an automatic finding stage (B). During registration, these AFM markers are mapped to the corresponding locations in the fluorescence image (C). The two images can then be automatically overlaid with high accuracy. The topography was generated from the AFM images and the colormap originates from the fluorescence image; the numerous bright “hills” indicate that the automatic alignment was successful (D). Panels B–D were provided courtesy of Serdar Cakici (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).