Figure 5.
FISH analysis of MGAZ/GGAZ illustrates a large Z chromosome inversion. CHORI-260 BACs 096G02 (green, WUGSC2.1/galGal3 coordinates 39290768-39535155) and 103I04 (red, 59681476-59892200) nearly co-localize on a metaphase turkey chromosome with the MGAZ centromere (A), but are well-separated on opposite arms on GGAZ (B), as would be expected from their chicken sequence coordinates. Shang et al. [42] located the GGAZ centromere at 42.2-42.5 Mb. (C) CHORI-260 BAC 099I24 (green, WUGSC2.1/galGal3 coordinates 64731310-64992979) labels the central portion of the second MGAZ arm (the two arms are of nearly identical length), as would be predicted based on the GGAZ sequence of Bellott et al. [35]. However, CHORI-260 098I08 (red, WUGSC2.1/galGal3 coordinates 49538900-49816462) nearly co-localizes with 099I24. These results are consistent with an inversion between the two Z chromosomes spanning at least 49-60 Mb. Overgo hybridization and BES alignment suggest a single ~19 Mb inversion from about 43.9 Mb to 62.8 Mb. Arrows point to the centromere for each chromosome. Scale bar = 2 μm.