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. 2010 Nov 13;20(5):623–630. doi: 10.1007/s10826-010-9437-9

Table 2.

Original Items and varimax rotated factor pattern for the final analysis of the quality of play questionnaire

Item Factor
Conflict Disengage
Chasing, running, hiding, climbing, sports or physically active
Cards or board games
Imaginary or pretend games
Arts/crafts/making things
Computer or video games 19 59
Watch TV or videos −11 60
Played without each other
Didn’t share a toy, game, etc. 54 −12
Got upset at each other 83 5
Argued with each other 86 8
Criticized or teased each other 78 5
Were bossy with each other 71 1
Had brother or sister into play −4 70
Had other children into play 10 68
Needed a parent to solve problems 70 14
Annoyed each other 85 6

Factor loadings have been multiplied by 100. Items loading above cutoff are in bold