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. 2011 Jun 17;108(6):1085–1096. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr119

Table 1.

Model variables: their symbols, definitions and units.

Symbol Definition Unit
Δ(t) Thermal time within 1 d °Cd
t Time days (d)
tp,i Indices for an entity of type tp and rank i
PAR interception
Aexptp,i Exposed area of entity tp,i m2
Atottp,i Total area of entity tp,i m2
AItp,i Cumulative area index above entity tp,i m2 m−2
Densc Density of culms in the field Culm m−2
kcanopy Canopy extinction coefficient m2 m−2
ktp Extinction coefficient of entity tp m2 m−2
Lexptp,i Exposed length of entity tp,i m
Ltottp,i Total length of entity tp,i m
PAR0 Photosynthetic active radiation above the canopy J m−2 d−1
PARtp,i Photosynthetic active radiation incident on entity tp,i J m−2 d−1
N mass, dry mass and photosynthetic active area
Agreentp,i Photosynthetic area of entity tp,i m2
Nmobc Mobile N mass in the common pool g
[N]mobc Mobile N mass concentration g g−1
Nphtp,i Photosynthetic N mass of entity tp,i g
Nremr Root remobilizable N mass g
NrstructNstructtp,i Structural N mass of roots, entity tp,i g
NtotgrainNtotrNtottp,i Total N mass of grains, roots, entity tp,i g
Mgreentp,i Photosynthetic tissues dry mass of entity tp,i g
MremrMremtp,i Remobilizable dry mass of roots, entity tp,i g
MstructrMstructtp,i Structural dry mass of roots, entity tp,i g
MtotgrainMtotrMtottp,i Total dry mass of grains, roots, entity tp,i g
N fluxes, dry mass fluxes and tissue death
DMremrDMremtp,i Remobilizable dry matter degradation rate for roots, entity tp,i g d−1
DNphtp,i Photosynthetic N degradation rate for entity tp,i g d−1
DNremr Remobilizable N degradation rate for roots g d−1
EC(t) EN(t) Effect of C and N availability within the culm on root N uptake Dimensionless
[N]s Soil N concentration g m−3
Ptp,i Dry mass production by entity tp,i g d−1
qrqgqtp,i Sink strengths of grains, roots, entity tp,i Dimensionless
Qtp,0 Normalizing factor for the beta function Dimensionless
SMremrSMremtp,i Remobilizable dry matter synthesis rate for roots, entity tp,i g d−1
SNremr Remobilizable N synthesis rate for roots g d−1
SNph,phloemtp,i Photosynthetic N synthesis rate from phloem N for entity tp,i g d−1
SNph,xylemtp,i Photosynthetic N synthesis rate from xylem N for entity tp,i g d−1
ttinitgrainttinitrttinittp,i Thermal time at which grains, roots, entity tp,i begin to grow °Cd
Ur Root N uptake rate per unit root mass g g−1 d−1