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. 2011 Oct;108(6):1155–1178. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr156

Table A1.

Hierarchical, morphological, physiological and topological attributes of apical meristems (Y), internodes (F), cones (C) and roots (R)

Attribute Meaning Units Value
Hierarchical attributes
o Axis order of Y, F and C integer 1, 2, 3, 4
Morphological attributes
d Total diameter of Y, F and C cm
l Total length of the Y, F and C cm
lc Length with cataphylls in F cm
ln Length of the F covered with needles cm
a Total cross-section area of F cm2
v Total volume of F cm3
dp Diameter of pith of F cm
dh Diameter of heartwood section of F cm
ah Heartwood cross-section area of F cm2
vh Total heartwood volume of F cm3
as Sapwood cross-section area of F cm2
vs Sapwood total volume of F cm3
f Total foliar area of F cm2
fp Total projected foliar area of F cm2
sii Surface Interseption Index calculated for the unit Fij adimensional
bt Total structural biomass of F g dry matter
bs Sapwood or conductive biomass of F g dry matter
ba Functional and respiring structural biomass as a fraction of bs of F g dry matter
bh Heartwood biomass of F g dry matter
bf Foliar biomass in F g dry matter
bc Cone biomass g dry matter
Bf Sum of all foliar biomass on all internodes supported by and including F g dry matter
Ba Total structural functional biomass on all internodes supported and including F g dry matter
Bt Total structural biomass (functional and non-functional) supported and including F g dry matter
BF Total foliar biomass of the tree g dry matter
BSA Total living sapwood biomass of the stem g dry matter
BBA Total living sapwood biomass of branches g dry matter
BR Total living root biomass g dry matter
r Monthly ring width of F cm
δ Monthly ring density of F g cm−3
vg Vigour of Y when the cluster is generated adimensional 0–1
Physiological attributes
age Age of Y, F and C months Correlative between years
m Month of creation of Y, F and C months Integer, correlative between years
p Living state of Y, F and C adimensional 0 if dead, 1 if alive
e Elongation signal for F indicating if it is in primary growth or only in secondary growth stage adimensional 0 if not elongating, 1 if elongating
τ Thermophysiological function at Y for a new growth unit generation adimensional
ageh Heartwood age of Fij at time t months
ph Photosynthesis of foliar structures of F g CO2 month−1
rp Respiration of foliar and structural biomass of F g CO2 month−1
bal Photosynthesis and respiration balance of F g CO2 month−1
Bal Photosynthesis and respiration balance of all of the structures supported and including F g CO2 month−1
AGE Age of the whole tree months
BAL Photosynthetic and respiration balance at tree level g CO2 month−1
BAL_F Portion of the total balance destined to foliage g CO2 month−1
BAL_S Portion of the total balance destined to stem g CO2 month−1
BAL_B Portion of the total balance destined to branches g CO2 month−1
BAL_R Portion of the total balance destined to roots g CO2 month−1
Topological attributes
(x1, y1, z1) 3-D basal point cm
(x2, y2, z2) 3-D distal position cm
s Position in the kth foliage stratum integer k = 1 to n