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. 2011 Oct;108(6):1155–1178. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr156

Table A2.

Parameters of the model

Type of atribute* Name Meaning Units Value Confidence interval (95 %) Source Value at validation process Equations
E K Extinction coefficient of radiation (Beer's law) adimensional 0·5 Jarvis et al. (1976) 0·5 (S3), (S6), (S8)
E cv Vegetation coverage coefficient adimensional 1·05 Pedrero (2005) 1·05 (S5)
P αp, αS Plant and soil albedo adimensional 0·15; 0·1 0·15; 0·1 (S8)
E θ Carbon dioxide concentration in the air 6·5 × 10−7 6·5 × 10−7 (S9)
P q10 Respiration factor (quotient between respiration at T °C and T – 10 °C) adimensional 2–2·5 Ryan et al. (1996) 2·5 (S10) (S21) (S25)
P rb Basic respiration per nitrogen unit g CO2 g N−1 h−1 0·2–0·23 Norero (1987), and derived from Dewar (1996) 0·23 (S22)
M SLA Specific leaf area (ratio between total foliar area and foliar biomass) cm2 g−1 62·5–600 McMurtrie et al. (1992), Walcroft et al. (1997), Warren and Adams (2000), Rodríguez et al. (2003), De Lucia et al. (2003) 300 (S12) (S16)
P fn0 Proportion of foliar N on needles g N (g dry matter)−1 0·0128 Adapted from Ryan et al. (1996) 0·0128 (S13)
M SLAP Specific leaf area based on projected leaf area cm2 g−1 19·9–191 McMurtrie et al. (1992),Walcroft et al. (1997), Warren and Adams (2000), Rodríguez et al. (2003), De Lucia et al. (2003) 95·5 (S14)
M psa Proportion of functional stem biomass on the total (in g CO2) adimensional 0·39–0·67 After several authors 0·35
M pba Proportion of functional branches biomass on the total (in g CO2) adimensional 0·09–0·27 After several authors 0·43
M pf Proportion of functional foliage biomass on the total (in g CO2) adimensional 0·04–0·15 After several authors 0·08
M pr Proportion of functional roots biomass on the total (in g CO2) adimensional 0·20–0·23 After several authors 0·14
M bc Final biomass of a female cone g dry matter 191·2 (59·4), n = 25 167·9–214·5 C. Gantz, Forestal MININCO, Chile, pers. comm. 191·2
P β1 First exponent related to radiation in BDI (Biomass Distribution Index) adimensional Iterated 4 (1)
P β2 Second exponent in BDI related to balance adimensional Iterated 0·3 (1)
P β3 Third exponent in BDI related to accumulated biomass adimensional 0·01 (1)
P β4 Fourth exponent in BDI related to branch age adimensional 0·1 (1)
P αd Coefficient in model of elongation/diameter ratio adimensional (0–1) 0·4 (4)
M nfas1 Fascicle number per unit of length (cm) for order i = 1 integer 5·2 (1·57), n = 12 4·2–6·19 Database 3 analysis 6 (7)
M nl1 Needles length for order i = 1 cm 13·7 (2·57), n = 148 13·28–14·11 Database 1 analysis 13·7 (8)
M nn Needles number per fascicle 3 Standard value for the species 3 (8,9)
M ςi Factor of proportionality between needles length adimensional (0–1) Database 1 analysis 0·8; 0·65; 0·43 for order 2, 3 and 4, respectively
M ηi Factor of proportionality between number of fascicles per linear cm adimensional (0–1) Database 3 analysis 1·25; 1·50; 1·73 for order 2, 3 and 4, respectively
M αB Proportionality constant adimensional (0–1) 1 (11)
M Bmax Maximum total living biomass reached by an adult tree g 72 400 Deduced after several authors 72 400 (11)
αcb Conversion factor from g CO2 to g dry matter g dry matter g−1 CO2 0·54 for wood; 0·61 for foliage 0·54; 0·61
P ω1 Scaling coefficient for stem section area calculation adimensional Estimated 0·16 (15)
P ω2 Scaling exponent for stem section area calculation adimensional Estimated 0·9 (15)
M δw Cell wall density g cm−3 1·53 Domec and Gartner (2002) 1·53 (18, 19)
M nbr Critical cumulative number of branches produced on the stem necessary to change from juvenile to mature state 89·8 (29·3), n = 20 76·09–103·51 Fernández et al. (2007) 89
P φmin Cardinal minimum temperature for chron accumulation °C 0 Deduced after Jackson and Gifford (1974), Booth and Saunders (1979), Hunter and Gibson (1984) 0 (22)
P φopt Cardinal optimal temperature for chron accumulation °C 23·3 Deduced after Jackson and Gifford (1974), Booth and Sanders (1979), Hunter and Gibson (1984) 23·3 (22)
αmh Conversion factor from min to h h min−1 1/60 Calculated
P τj Critical tautochron value for a new growth unit generation during juvenile phase for order 1 adimensional 1425·40 (300), n = 32 1317·23–1533·56 Database 1 analysis 1425·4
P τm Critical tautochron value for a new growth unit generation during mature phase for order 1 adimensional 785·65 (240·4), n = 32 699·02–872·37 Database 1 analysis 785·7
P αstop Coefficient in tautochron function for internode elongation ending adimensional Real, non-negative Iterated 2·2
P σj Coefficient of proportionality between τj of order 1 and order 2, 3 and 4 adimensional Estimated 1·5; 1·8; 2 for order 2, 3 and 4 respectively
P σm Coefficient of proportionality between τm of order 1 and order 2, 3 and 4 adimensional Estimated 2, for order 2, 3 and 4
M λt1 Average of total lateral structures in a cluster of order 1 adimensional 7·8 (2·23), n = 755 7·64–7·95 Database 1 analysis 7·8
M λt2 Average of total lateral structures in a cluster of order 2 adimensional 5·91 (2·33), n = 243 5·61–6·20 Database 1 analysis 5·91
M λv1 Average of lateral structures in a vegetative cluster of order 1 adimensional 6·26 (2·15), n = 2712 6·18–6·34 Database 1 analysis 6·26
M λv2 Average of lateral structures in a vegetative cluster of order 2 adimensional 4·18 (2·10), n = 5286 4·12–4·23 Database 1 analysis 4·18
M λv3 Average of lateral structures in a vegetative cluster of order 3 adimensional 2·09 (1·10), n = 1604 2·04–2·14 Database 1 analysis 2·09
M λc1 Average of floral lateral structures (cones) in a floral cluster of order 1 adimensional 3·18 (1·57), n = 755 3·07–3·29 Database 1 analysis 3·18
M λc2 Average of floral lateral structures (cones) in a floral cluster of order 2 adimensional 2·56 (1·52), n = 243 2·37–2·75 Database 1 analysis 2·56
P cl Critical day length min 660 Deduced after Bollmann and Sweet (1976) 660
M αYY Coefficient of proportionality between meristems adimensional (0–1) 0·8
M αYF Coefficient of proportionality between an apical meristem and the supporting internode adimensional 0·79 (0·12), n = 964 0·78–0·80 Database 1 analysis 0·79
M ω Phyllotactic angle radians 2·400351 Corresponding to the golden angle (137·5 °) 2·400351
M αins Bending angle in branches radians 0·785398 0·785398
P ch1, ch2 Regression coefficients for heartwood age estimation adimensional Database 2 analysis 0·2636; –4·5731
P μ1, μ2,μ3 Coefficients of logistic regression for needles turnover Database 1 analysis (23)
P αT Coefficient of biomass translocation adimensional A. Norero, unpubl. 0·25
P mlim Age mortality limit months 36
P mneg Limit of number of consecutive months with negative balance months 8
P φemin Critical minimal temperature for enzymatic activity (carboxylation) °C –15 Norero (1987) –15 (S20)
P φe Critical optimal temperature for enzymatic activity (carboxylation) °C 25 Norero (1987) 25 (S20)
ε Coefficient to transform from min to h or from s to min 1/60 (S22)
E u20 Wind speed at 20 m height m s−1 5 After A. Norero (unpubl.) 5 (S19)

* E, environmental parameter; M, morphological parameter, P, physiological parameter.

S, Supplementary Data, available online.