Figure 3.
For patch clamp experiments, undissociated CBs were used. The setup (A) and the image of the CB (B) are shown. Examples of K current records and mean I–V relationships in the DBA/2J (C) and the A/J mouse (D) are presented. Whole current traces were evoked by voltage steps from −80 to +60 mV with 10 mV increments for 100 ms. To construct a current–voltage curve, the mean current measured between 93 and 97 ms from the start of each voltage step. Mean currents were plotted versus the test pulse. Bars represent SEM. No statistical differences were seen between the strains. (E) The effect of iberiotoxin (a BK channel blocker; 200 nM) on outward current in GCs. The outward current was evoked by a test pulse from −80 to +20 mV for 100 ms. Iberiotoxin significantly and reversibly decreased outward current in GCs of the DBA/2J mice. However, K current in the A/J mice was not significantly affected by iberiotoxin. *, Significantly different from control and recovery. The amplitudes of K current (control and recovery) were significantly larger in GCs of the DBA/2J mice. Cont, control; Ibx, iberiotoxin; Rec, recovery.