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. 2011 Sep 23;11:65. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-65

Table 3.

Retrospective questionnaire: exploratory comparison of differences in mean pre - post scores between student groups (see Additional File 1: Appendix 2 for complete list of questions)

Question Patient educator group mean differences post - pre score (sd)
Maximum difference = 3
n = 42
Physician tutor group mean differences post-pre score (sd)
Maximum difference = 3
n = 40
P value
1. Overall techniques of MSK examination 1.10 (0.76) 0.70 (0.69) 0.016
2. Inspection for erythema, swelling & deformity 0.88 (0.76) 0.43 (0.64) 0.004
3. Performing active ROM 0.86 (0.78) 0.43 (0.50) 0.004
10. Overall approach to elbows 1.02 (0.78) 0.93 (1.39) 0.014
11. Overall approach to shoulders 1.10 (0.85) 0.55 (0.64) 0.002
12. Overall approach to hips 0.98 (0.81) 0.60 (0.63) 0.022
14. Overall approach to feet 0.83 (0.85) 0.43 (0.50) 0.010
15. Identifying normal vs. abnormal 0.98 (1.07) 0.60 (0.55) 0.050
17. Identifying when special physical exam manoeuvres should be done 0.79 (1.07) 0.35 (0.53) 0.023
19. Identifying how lives of patients with MSK concerns may be affected 1.19 (1.11) 0.40 (0.71) 0.000
20. Demonstrating concern for patient comfort during MSK exam. 1.05 (1.55) 0.43 (0.90) 0.000
21. Using feedback from a patient I'm examining to further my learning 1.12 (1.49) 0.50 (0.82) 0.023

sd = standard deviation

MSK = Musculoskeletal

ROM = range of motion