Dividing and newly generated cells in the SZ and OB of adult macaque
monkeys as detected by immunoperoxidase staining for BrdU or PCNA.
Examples of clusters of BrdU-labeled cells 2 h after the last of
five daily injections (a and b) and of
PCNA-positive cells (c and d) in coronal
sections of the anterior SZ along the striatal wall of the lateral
ventricle (LV). (a) Although occasional immunopositive
cells initially appeared to be part of the ependymal layer (E), further
examination revealed them to be immediately subjacent to it and, thus,
to belong to the SZ; no evidence for cell proliferation in the
ependymal layer was observed. (e and
f) PCNA-positive cells (arrows) among a stream
of cells in the SZ closely associated with the basal aspect of the
anterolateral ventricle. C, caudate nucleus; S, septal nuclei. Upper
left area is dorsal. (f) The boxed field in
e at higher magnification, showing that PCNA-positive
cells are in the SZ but not the ependyma. (g) A sagittal
section of the OB shows “strings” of elongated, PCNA-positive
nuclei (arrows) in the white matter (WM) as it enters the core of the
OB. GL, granule cell layer. (h and i)
BrdU-labeled mitotic figures in the OB 2 h after five daily
injections. (h) An early anaphase cell in the glomerular
layer. (i) A late anaphase/early telophase cell in the
external plexiform layer. [Bars = 20 μm (a–d
and f), 100 μm (e), 50 μm
(g), and 10 μm (h and