No evidence for reversal of ARD hydroxylation over an extended period as determined by SILAC-chase methodology. A, synopsis of SILAC-chase methodology. HEK293 cells stably transfected with Rabankyrin-5 were grown in media containing heavy isotopes (Heavy media; Lys6/Arg6) for 5 days to achieve >90% incorporation of the mass label. Cells were subsequently “chased” in normal media (Light media; Lys0/Arg0), supplemented with 1 mm DMOG, to inhibit FIH-mediated hydroxylation. Following inhibition of FIH, the extent of hydroxylation on the pre-existing heavy labeled material was monitored over 36 h by LC-MS to determine the proportion of material that was hydroxylated over time. B, quantitation of heavy hydroxylation at Asn485 in Rabankyrin-5 over 36 h following addition of light media and DMOG. Data points were derived from extracted ion chromatograms of m/z 560.53 and 564.53 corresponding to heavy labeled forms of the unhydroxylated and hydroxylated tryptic Asn485 Rabankyrin-5 peptide, AAGAGNEAAALFLATNGAHVNHR ([M + 4H]4+) and expressed as percentage hydroxylation (Heavy Ox %). The overall percentage of heavy label incorporation, calculated from the sum of unhydroxylated and hydroxylated Asn485 heavy peptides over light forms of the peptide are depicted (black triangle), showing the expected removal of the heavy label over time. Raw data (extracted ion chromatograms for Asn485 peptides) are presented in supplemental Fig. S25 along with control data confirming the efficacy of DMOG treatment on the newly synthesized light material (supplemental Fig. S26).