Voltage sensor-trapping activity of CssIVE15A on WT rNav1.2a channels. Cells were stimulated with depolarizations ranging from −100 to +20 mV in 5-mV increments either alone or preceded 60 ms earlier by a 1-ms test pulse to +50 mV in the presence of 500 nm CssIVE15A. A, pulse protocol. B, IVST traces recorded during test pulses to −60 mV obtained without (−Pre) or with (+Pre) the prepulse. C, I-V plots obtained for rNav1.2a channels in the presence of 500 nm CssIVE15A with (filled circles, +Pre) or without (open circles, −Pre) the prepulse. The solid lines are global fits of a function with 2 Boltzmann components to the I-V curves without and with prepulses. The common fit parameters were Va1 = −32.1 mV, Va2 = −53.6 mV. The negative component represented 25.3% of the conductance for the +Pre curve.