Developmental expression of zebrafish mll. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of zebrafish mll expression (blue) at the 4-cell (lateral view), 64-cell (lateral view), 256-cell (lateral view), sphere (lateral view), 30% epiboly (lateral view), 50% epiboly (lateral view), 90% epiboly (lateral view), 6-somite (lateral view), 10-somite (lateral view), 22-hpf (lateral view), 26-hpf (lateral view), 36-hpf (lateral view), 36-hpf (dorsal view), 48-hpf (lateral view), 48-hpf (dorsal view), 48-hpf (tail, dorsal view), 3-dpf (lateral view), 3-dpf (dorsal view), and 3.5-dpf (lateral view) stages. s, somite; h, hours post-fertilization; d, days post-fertilization; fp, floor plate; r, retina.