Confocal analysis of SLO-1:GFP expression in muscle cells and neurons of DAPC(lf) mutants. A, representative confocal images of SLO-1::GFP localization in DAPC(lf) mutants. SLO-1::GFP is expressed in punctate linear arrays that correspond to the localization of dense bodies. The arrowheads mark SLO-1::GFP localization at the nerve cord. Scale, 10 μm. B, averaged fluorescent intensity of SLO-1::GFP puncta in muscle cells is significantly reduced in DAPC(lf) mutants relative to WT (***, p < 0.001; mean ± S.E.; n ≥ 50 per genotype). Statistical significance was determined using a one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test. C, representative confocal images of neuronal SLO-1::GFP localization in DAPC reference alleles. Scale, 10 μm. D, averaged fluorescent intensity of SLO-1::GFP puncta in neurons of DAPC(lf) reference alleles is similar to WT (mean ± S.E.; n ≥ 50 per genotype), suggesting the DAPC does not regulate neuronal SLO-1 localization. E, SLO-1::GFP expression levels in wild-type and DAPC(lf) mutants. Western blot analysis reveals that the expression of SLO-1::GFP protein (as detected by an anti-GFP antibody, α-GFP) was not altered in DAPC(lf) mutants, relative to wild-type (WT) (upper panel). Loading controls (lower panel) reveal equivalent protein levels for tubulin (as detected by an anti-tubulin antibody, α-tubulin). The quantification was performed with Image J. Three independent experiments showed similar results.