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. 2011 May 23;1(1):e000026. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2010-000026

Table 1.

Intervention components, processes of behaviour change and methods of delivery

Component Process of behaviour change Method of delivery Delivered by
Component 1: Engaging schools, children and families; spring term (Year 5) Establish motivation and create a receptive environment Whole school assembly Researcher
Activity workshops (parents observe) Professional sportsmen/dancers
Parents' evening (involving performances by the children) Teachers/researcher/drama group
Newsletter articles Researcher
Component 2: Intensive Healthy Lifestyles Week, 1 week; summer term (Year 5) Establish motivation by developing children's confidence and skills and helping them make decisions PSHE lessons (morning) Class teacher
Drama (afternoon) (forum theatre, role play, food tasting, discussions, games, etc)* Drama group
Component 3: Goal setting—goals set during week following drama; summer term (Year 5) Take action by helping children create an action plan and implement goals Questionnaire to enable children to reflect on snacking, consumption of fizzy drinks and physical activity Researcher/class teacher
Goal setting sheet to go home to parents to complete with child Researcher/parents
1:1 goal setting interview (goals sent home to parents) Researcher
Parents' evening (child involvement—forum theatre) Researcher/drama group
Component 4: Reinforcement activities; autumn term (Year 6) Keep children motivated by helping them to monitor, assess and adapt goals Whole school assembly followed by drama workshops to remind school/children of messages and to prepare class assembly Drama group
PSHE lesson to remind children of messages and goals Class teacher
Children monitor goals on personalised chart Class teacher provides prompts
Class to deliver assembly about the project to rest of school (parents invited to attend) Children to all other year groups in the school
1:1 goal supporting interview to discuss facilitators/barriers and to plan new coping strategies (renewed goals sent home to parents) Researcher
Newsletter articles Researcher

The drama framework includes four characters, each represented by one of the actors, whose attributes related to the three healthy lifestyle messages (overall behavioural objectives). Children choose which of the characters they most resemble then work with that actor to help the character learn to change their behaviour.

PSHE, Personal, Social, and Health Education.