Figure 5.
Alignment of the amino acid sequence of the Micrasterias denticulata expansin-resembling proteins Alignment of the amino acid sequence of the M. denticulata expansin-resembling proteins MdEXP2, MdEXP1, MdEXP4, and MdEXP3 with the Arabidopsis thaliana EXPA1 [NP_001117573] and EXPB1 [NP_179668]. The C-terminal extension of MdEXP2 is omitted (see Additional file 11). Dark-shaded white characters represent N-terminal sorting signals. Dark gray and white boxes below the alignment indicate the expansin domains 1 and 2, respectively. Conserved Cys (C) and Trp (W) residues are indicated above the alignment. The key residues of the GH45 catalytic site that are conserved in domain 1 of the EXPA and EXPB expansin families are shown in bold. Conserved expansin residues and motifs are lightly shaded. Asterisks mark identical residues; colons and periods indicate full conservation of strong and weak groups, respectively.