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. 2011 Aug 4;343:d4588. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4588

Table 1.

 Characteristics of included studies of effect of variants of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 genotype on clinical efficacy of clopidogrel

Study Design Diagnosis at entry Demographics (mean (SD) unless stated otherwise) Cardiovascular risk factors Clopidogrel loading dose, treatment duration; aspirin comedication No (%) of events No (%) of participants with ≥1 allele; MAF
Loss of function CYP2C19 (at least *2) Gain of function CYP2C19*17
Trenk,63 2008, Germany, single centre Cohort, retrospective, 12 months Stable and unstable angina (ACS 27.4%, PCI 100%, DES 36.5%) n=797, 78.0% men, age 66.4 (9.1) years, BMI 27.7 (3.9) Smoking 10.9%, hypertension 82.3%, dyslipidaemia NR, diabetes 24.8% 600 mg, median 1 (range 1-6) months (1 month for BMS, 6 months for DES); 100% aspirin MACE (death, MI), 24 (3.0%) 245 (30.7%), (*2); 16.4% ND
Malek,64 2008, Poland, single centre Cohort, prospective, 12 months ACS (STEMI 81.9%, PCI 100%, DES NR) n=105, 70.5% men, age 60.0 years, BMI 27.6 Smoking 44.8%, hypertension 50.5%, dyslipidaemia 34.3%, diabetes 17.1% 300 or 600 mg, NR; 100% aspirin MACE (CV death, MI), 6 (5.7%) 21 (20.0%) (*2); 10.5% ND
Mega,34 2009; US, Europe, Oceania, Africa; multicentre Substudy of RCT, retrospective, 15 months ACS (STEMI 29.2%, PCI 95%, DES 47%†) n=1459, 70.5% men, age 60.1 (11.1) years, median BMI 28† Smoking 38.1%, hypertension 65.8%, dyslipidaemia 49.1%, diabetes 21.8% 300 mg, ≤15 months (median 14.5 months)†; 99% aspirin† MACE (CV death, MI, stroke) 129 (8.8%); ST (definite and probable) 17 (1.2%) 395 (27.1%) (*2,*3,*4,*5,*8); 14.8% ND
Simon,65 2009, France, multicentre Cohort, retrospective, 12 months Acute MI (STEMI 53.2%, PCI 69.5%, DES NR) n=2208, 70.6% men, age 66.2 years, BMI 27.2 Smoking 54.6%†, hypertension 58.0%, dyslipidaemia 49.3%, diabetes 31.6% <300-900 (mean 300) mg, NR; 98.4% aspirin MACE (death, MI, stroke) 294 (13.3%) 635 (28.8%) (*2,*3,*4,*5), MAF: 15.7% 774 (35.8%), MAF: 20.2%
Collet,66 2009, France, multicentre Cohort, retrospective, mean: 34.6 (maximum 96) months MI (STEMI 78.8%, PCI 73.0%, DES 32.0%) n=259, 92.3% men, age 40.1 (5.1), BMI 25.7 (3.8) Smoking 56.0%, hypertension 20.1%, dyslipidaemia 54.0%, diabetes 10.4% NR, median 13.0 (IQR 3.4-36.0) months; 97.3% aspirin MACE (CV death, MI), 19 (7.3%);ST (definite), 12 (5.4%) 73 (28.2%) (*2,*3,*4,*5,*6); 15.8% ND
Sibbing,67 2009, Germany, single centre Substudy of RCTs, retrospective, 1 month Stable and unstable angina and NSTEMI (ACS 34%, PCI 100%, DES 25.1%) n=2485, 78.3% men, age 66.5 (10.2) years, BMI 27.2 (3.9) Smoking 16.2%, hypertension 62.9%, dyslipidaemia 48.5%, diabetes 35.5% 600 mg, ≥1 month; >95% aspirin MACE (death, MI) 173 (7.0%); ST (definite) 17 (0.7%) 680 (27.4%) (*2); 14.6% ND
Giusti,68 2009, Italy, single centre Cohort, retrospective, 6 months Stable angina and ACS (ACS 65.7% PCI 100%, DES 100%) n=772, 74.6% men, age 69 (11) years‡, BMI NR Smoking 34.4%, hypertension 65.4%, dyslipidaemia 59.7%, diabetes 22.2% 600 mg, ≥6 months; 100% aspirin MACE (CV death), 18 (2.3%); ST (definite) 11 (1.4%) 247 (32.0%) (*2); 17.7% ND
Sibbing,69 2010, Germany, single centre Cohort, retrospective, 1 month Stable angina and ACS (ACS 33.1%§, PCI 100%, DES 98.0%§) n=1524, 77.4% men, age 67.4 years, BMI 27.5 Smoking 13.6%, 91. hypertension 3%, dyslipidaemia 70.1%, diabetes 28.2% 600 mg, NR; 99.1% aspirin§ MACE (MI) 50 (3.3%); ST (definite and probable) 14 (0.9%) ND 622 (40.8%), MAF: 22.9%
Tiroch,70 2010, Germany, single centre Cohort, prospective, 12 months Acute MI (STEMI NR, PCI 97.5%, DES >90%) n=928, 74.8% men, age 64.8 years, BMI 27.0 Smoking 36.5%, hypertension 74.5%, dyslipidaemia 51.9%, diabetes 24.1% 600 mg, ≥6 months; 97.4% aspirin MACE (death, MI, stroke) 82 (8.8%); ST (definite and probable) 10 (1.1%) 248 (26.7%) (*2); 14.4% 363 (39.1%), MAF: 22.5%
Wallentin,18 2010; America, Europe, Oceania, Asia; multicentre Substudy of RCT, retrospective, 12 months ACS (STEMI 38%¶, PCI 60.8%¶, DES 18.9%¶) n=4904, 69.4% men, age 62.5 (11.0) years, median BMI 27¶ Smoking 35.5%, hypertension 65.1%¶, dyslipidaemia 46.7%¶, diabetes 23.1% 300-600 mg, median 9.2 (IQR 6-12) months; 96.1% aspirin MACE (CV death, MI, stroke) 481 (9.8%); ST (definite) 56 (1.7%) 1388 (28.3%) (*2,*3,*4,*5,*6,*7,*8); 15.4% NR (no association with efficacy outcome reported)
Pare,19 2010; America, Europe, Oceania; multicentre Substudy of RCT (CURE), retrospective, 12 months Unstable angina and NSTEMI (STEMI 0%, PCI 15.5%, DES 0%) n=2530, 58.8% men, age 63.8 (11.0) years, BMI 27.7 (4.2) Smoking 23.1%, hypertension 59.9%**, dyslipidaemia NR, diabetes 20.7% 300 mg, mean 9 (range 3-12) months; >94% aspirin MACE (CV death, MI, stroke) 230 (9.1%) 650 (25.7%) (*2,*3); 14.1% 999 (39.1%); NA
Harmsze,71 2010, Netherlands, multicentre Case-control, retrospective, 12 months Stable angina and ACS (ACS 40.1%, PCI 100%, DES 42.6%) n=596, 79.0% men, age 62.7 (10.3) years, BMI 27.3 Smoking 15.1%, hypertension 48.7%, dyslipidaemia 51.0%, diabetes 16.8% NR, ≥ 12 months; 100% aspirin ST (definite) 176 (29.5%)†† 193 (32.4%) (*2); 18.3% ND
Sawada,72 2010, Japan, single centre Cohort, prospective, mean 8.1 (range 0.23 to 18.2) months Stable angina and ACS (ACS 9.0%, PCI 100%, DES 100%) n=100, 85.0% men, age 69.6 years, BMI 23.7 Smoking 41.0%, hypertension 81.0%, dyslipidaemia 69.0%, diabetes 42.0% 300 mg, ≥follow-up period; 100% aspirin MACE (death, MI) 4 (4.0%) 42 (42.0%) (*2); NA ND
Bouman,20 2010a; Germany, Netherlands; multicentre Case-cohort, prospective, 18 months Stable angina and ACS (ACS 50.9%, PCI 100%, DES 40.2%) n=7719, 79.5% men, age 61.2 (8.5) years, BMI 27.0 (3.2) Smoking 34.8%, hypertension 55.4%, dyslipidaemia 51.8%, diabetes 25.9% 300-600 mg, median 12 (range 6-12) months; 91.2% aspirin ST (definite) 41 (0.5%) 2394 (31.0%)‡‡ (*2,*3,*4,*5); 16.9% ND
Bouman,20 2010b; Germany, Netherlands; multicentre Cohort, prospective, 12 months ACS (STEMI 38.6% PCI 100%, DES 30.9%) n=1982, 71.3% men, age 62.1 (10.2) years, BMI 27.1 (4.2) Smoking 35.8%, hypertension 62.7%, dyslipidaemia 55.4%, diabetes 24.3% 600 mg, ≥12 months; 100% aspirin MACE (CV death, MI, stroke) 216 (10.9%); ST (definite) 44 (2.2%) 678 (34.2%) (*2,*3,*4,*5,*6,*7,*8); 18.8% 747 (37.7%); 20.9%

ACS=acute coronary syndrome; BMI=body mass index; CV death=cardiovascular death; DES=drug eluting stent; IQR=interquartile range; MACE=major adverse cardiovascular event; MAF=minor allele frequency; MI=myocardial infarction; ND=not determined; NR=not reported; NA=not available from reported data; NSTEMI=non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; PCI=percutaneous coronary intervention; RCT=randomised controlled trial; SD=standard deviation; ST=stent thrombosis; STEMI=ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; BMS=bare metal stent.

†In 6795 patients assigned to clopidogrel treatment.79

‡In 804 patients.80

§In 1608 patients.81

¶In 9291 patients assigned to clopidogrel treatment.82

**In 6259 patients assigned to clopidogrel treatment.83

††Because of case-control design percentage does not reflect proportion of events in population.

‡‡Genotype distribution extrapolated to total cohort.