FIGURE 2. Maternal SS exposure strongly increases MCh-induced and rolipram (RP)-insensitive RL in Af-treated animals.
Indicated groups of animals were examined for RL by the Flexivent System as described in Materials and Methods. A; Peak values for RL are plotted against each MCh concentration, and the values represent mean ± SD of 5-7 mice/group in one experiment. The difference in the p value between SS + Af group with other groups was ≤0.001. Inset: Because the response of SS/Af to MCh was much higher than other animals, the y-axis scale was expanded to visualize differences in the response between other groups (n = 5-7/group). B. Doses of MCh needed to elicit 50% (ED50) of the peak response in SS-exposed animals before and after Af and Af + RP treatment. Bars are mean ± SD. *** represents p ≤ 0.001.