Establish aims and goals of guidelines |
Provide guidance to clinicians caring for survivors.
Standardize and enhance follow-up care of survivors
Facilitate early identification of late treatment effects
Promote timely intervention for late treatment effects
Educate survivors and families about health risks
Promote healthy lifestyle of survivors
Define target population for screening. |
By age at diagnosis (childhood, adolescent, young adult, adult)
By time from completion of therapy (≥ 2 years, ≥ 5 years, etc…)
By disease status (maintained remission, stable disease, etc…)
Consider intended users of guidelines. |
Hematology/oncology providers (pediatric/ medical, surgical, radiation, nursing, etc…)
Primary care providers (pediatricians, family physicians, internist, gynecologists)
Subspecialty providers (pediatric/medical, endocrine, cardiology, etc…)
Cancer survivors and families
Identify expertise required to develop the guidelines. |
Hematology/oncology (pediatric/medical, surgery, radiation, nursing, transplant)
Primary care (pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology)
Subspecialty (pediatric/ medical, endocrine, cardiology, etc…)
Behavioral (psychology, social work)
Supportive care (physical/occupational therapy, etc…)
Patient/survivorship advocacy
Analytical (epidemiology, biostatistics, public health services)
Adopt guideline methodology. |
Determine preferred guideline design. |
Establish guideline content. |
Address both medical and psychosocial outcomes
Comprehensive versus selected key late effects
Organization/venue of long-term follow-up care
Provider versus survivor (patient education) format
Treatment summary template
Medical citations to support recommendations
Implement and disseminate guidelines. |
Posting on internet website
Presentations at cooperative group and professional society meetings
Presentations in academic and community forums
Publication of review manuscripts
Incorporation into primary care pathways
Collaboration with health care and insurance organizations
Organize plan to maintain currency of guidelines. |
Ongoing monitoring of late effects literature
Biennial systematic review by multidisciplinary task forces
Consideration of guideline revisions by oversight committee
International collaboration to harmonize recommendations.