Fig. 4.
(A) The Add tab of the SAPling database interface is used to record reproduction and other events. The user can type directly in the fields for the name and date of birth of the relevant individual, or can scan the barcode on its label and the database will select the appropriate family and fill the Name and Birthdate fields automatically. The type of event the user wants to add is selected from a list, and for reproductive events another field allows the user to select the number of offspring. (B) The Lookup Worm tab is used to retrieve information about an individual's family history. The user selects the appropriate family and enters the individual's name, and the database displays its date of birth and date of division or current status (living, died, fixed, etc.) along with tables displaying information on its ancestors, progeny and siblings. Dates are displayed in the form ‘month/day’ where the months are numbered 1–12 in the first year of the project, 13–24 in the next year and so on. Fixed or frozen individuals are listed with a tube number, which can be automatically or manually assigned.