Figure 6.
Effects of added bases on the oxidation rate of 1 M CH3OH by 1 in dry MeCN at −30 ºC under Ar. (a) Plot of kobs versus [2,6-lutidine] (squares) and [2,4,6-collidine] (circles). (b) Plot of log kobs versus pKa in the presence of 10 mM added base. The pKas used are values for the conjugate acids of pyridine (5.17), 5-ethylpyridine (5.97), 2-methyl-5-ethylpyridine (6.51), 2,6-lutidine (6.77) and 2,4,6-collidine (7.48) in H2O.47 See Table S2 for a list of observed kobs values.