Figure 4.
Overview over mentioned molecules and pathways at the Drosophila NMJ
Aspects of presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic muscle and synaptic cleft are shown, as indicated on the right. Dashed arrows represent molecular interactions, functions or translocations that are explained in the text. Abbreviations: Arr (Arrow), Alk (Anaplastic Lymphona Kinase), AP-1 (Activator protein-1), Brp (Bruchpilot), Cac (Cacophony), CamKII (Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II), Dg (Dystroglycan), Dlg (Discs large), Dlp (Dally-like), Dys (Dystrophin), ERK/Rl (Extracellular signal-regulated kinase/Rolled), Fak56D (Focal adhesion kinase), Fas2 (Fasciclin2), FNI (Frizzled nuclear import), Fz2 (Frizzled2), Gbb (Glass bottom boat), GluRA/B (Glutamate receptor), Jeb (Jelly belly), JNK (Jun N-terminal Kinase), LamA (Laminin A), Lar (Leukocyte-antigen-related-like), Med (Medea), Mtg (Mind the gap), pMAD (phospho-Mothers against dpp), α/βPS (PS integrin heterodimers), Sax (Saxophon), Sdc (Syndecan), Stj (Straightjacket), Tkv (Thick veins), Wg (Wingless).