Figure 11.
Confocal images of exine from several mutant classes. A, Examples of mutant lines with pollen completely lacking apertures (inp phenotype). B, Exine-lacking line lnp1, which generates very few pollen grains. C, Examples of mutant pollen that belongs to the large and square pollen (lsq) category. Note the abnormal number and positions of apertures. D, Examples of mutant pollen that belong to the irregular-size pollen (isp) category. The arrow points to a small grain next to the larger grain (isp7 [left]); both are derived from the same anther. Larger-than-normal grains sometimes have abnormal number and positions of apertures (isp8 [left]). Smaller-than-normal grains have smaller lacunae and broader walls, resulting in more excessively covered pollen surface (isp7, left and right; isp8, right). Grains were stained with auramine O. Magnification is the same as in A (left) for all images except A (right). For reference to the wild-type exine, see Figures 4 and 7.