Lung Biopsies. (A)The first transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB). It shows infiltration of lymphocytes in the alveolar septae. HE, ×200. (B)The first large open biopsy. It shows severe lymphocyte infiltration in the alveolar septae. HE, ×100. (C)The first open biopsy. Higher power view. The alveolar septae with severe lymphocytic infiltration and granuloma formation are seen. HE, ×200. (D)TBLB shows peribronchial lymphocytic infiltration. HE, ×200. (E)The second large open biopsy. Heavy infiltration of lymphocytes is seen around the bronchiole (MALT hyperplasia). Germinal centers are recognized. The alveolar septae are free from significant changes. HE, ×40. (F) The second open biosy. High power view. The peribronchial lymphoid tissue has germinal center, and consists of mature lymphocytes. HE, ×200. (G)TBLB shows no or minimal lymphocytic infiltration in the alveolar septae. HE, ×100. (H)TBLB shows lymphocytic infiltration in the alveolar septae. HE, ×40.