Figure 2. SAM binding analyses of SARS-CoV nsp14, nsp16 and nsp10.
(A) 12% SDS-PAGE analysis of SAM UV cross-linking with nsp16 (at pH 7.5 and 8.0) (lanes 1–2), nsp16/nsp10 with different ratios (lanes 3–4), and nsp10/nsp14/nsp16 (lane 5). Nsp10/nsp12N and nsp10/nsp3-SUD (lanes 6–7) were used as controls. The positions of marker proteins are indicated on the left. (B to D) ITC profiles for the binding of SAM to nsp16 (B), nsp10 (C), and nsp16/nsp10 complex (D), respectively. The top panels represent the raw data for sequential injections of SAM (150 µM) into nsp16, nsp10 and nsp16/nsp10 complex. The bottom panels show the plots of the heat evolved (kilocalories) per mole of SAM.