Figure 4.
(a) Melting curves for sequences Br-9 (upward triangle solid line), containing a single syn substitution; Br-22 (downward triangle solid line), containing a single anti substitution; and Br-9-22 (diamonds with dotted line), containing both syn and anti substitutions. The curve for the unmodified sequence (gray solid line) serves as a reference. The additive effect of multiple substitutions on the Tm can be seen. (b) Modification-dependence stability (BrG > OmetG > AmG) was observed for substitutions to syn guanines, as illustrated by the melting curves of Br-9 (circles), Omet-9 (squares), and Am-9 (diamonds). The melting curve of the unmodified sequence is shown for reference. Melting curves presented are normalized UV cooling curves monitored at 295 nm. (c) Comparison of the change in Tm values for each guanine derivative over substitutions to various syn residues. Modifications are shown as circles (BrG), squares (OmetG), and diamonds (AmG).