Fig. 2.
β-Catenin shRNA induces cell cycle arrest of colorectal cancer cells in vivo. (A–D) LS411N cancer cells containing NTC, sh35, or sh36 β-catenin shRNA were inoculated into mice. Tumor-bearing mice were treated for 3 or 14 d with either vehicle or doxycycline. (A) Representative images of p21 staining by IHC after 3 d of treatment. (B) Percentage of nuclei positive for p21 after 3 d of treatment. Graphs represent mean ± SEM values. (C) Representative images of Ki67 staining by IHC after 14 d of treatment. (D) Percentage of nuclei positive for Ki67 after 3 d (Left) or 14 d (Right) of treatment. Graphs represent mean ± SEM values. Two independent experiments are represented (n = 3–8 per treatment group).