Chitinase colocalizes with chitin in the newly synthesized cuticle. Cuticular chitin (red) in elytra (A) and lateral (B) abdominal body walls of pharate adults subjected to RNAi for TcVer (dsVer) and TcCht-5 (dsCht-5) were detected with a fluorescent rhodamine-conjugated chitin-binding protein probe. TcCht-5 (Cht-5, green) was immunostained with polyclonal antibodies raised against M. sexta group I chitinase. Bright-field images (BL) were used as a guide to delineate cellular and cuticular regions. EC, new adult elytral cuticle; PC, old pupal cuticle; C, cuticle; E, epithelial cells. (Scale bars: A, 10 μm; B, 5 μm.)