Figure 4.
Distribution of IS elements in large chromosomes of leptospires. The scale is numbered in megabases from the origins of replication. The bars represent the chromosomes. The short vertical lines in each bar indicate the IS elements at different coordinates (red, intact ISs, >1 000 bp; blue, remnant ISs, 100-1 000 bp). The symbols below the genomes are selected IS markers (pathogenic Leptospira specific, sky blue circles; saprophytic Leptospira specific, orange circles; L. borgpetersenii specific, green triangles; L. interrogans specific, magenta triangles; L. interrogans serovar Lai specific, navy blue rhombuses; strain Fiocruz L1-130 specific, brown asterisk; strain 56601 specific, purple asterisk; strain IPAV specific, red asterisk; strain JB197 specific, light yellow asterisk; strain L550 specific, gray asterisk; strain Ames specific, blue asterisk). For the IS markers in each evolutionary level, only one was selected to illustrate in this figure. The colors of the branches in the phylogenic tree consistent with the colors used on the IS markers and the dashed lines indicate that no IS marker is identified at the corresponding levels.