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. 2011 Nov;13(6):583–604. doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2011.05.011

Table 1.

STD Assays

Organism Specimen/sample type Assay/platform (FDA no.) Method Target Linear range (%)
Sensitivity Specificity
HPV Cervical cytology specimen in ThinPrep PreservCyt and cervical cytology specimen in Specimen Transport Medium Digene HC2 HPV DNA Test (P890064/S006) Hybridization protection assay with signal amplification using microplate chemiluminescence hybrid capture of RNA-DNA hybrid RNA probe cocktail for 13 hr types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68) and 5 low-risk types (6, 11, 42, 43, and 44) 93.0 61.1
Cervical cytology specimen in ThinPrep PreservCyt and cervical cytology specimen in Specimen Transport Medium Digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA typing kit (P890064/S009) Hybridization protection assay with signal amplification using microplate chemiluminescence hybrid capture of RNA-DNA hybrid RNA probe cocktail to detect 13 hr-HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68)§ 93.0 61.1
Cervical cytology specimen in ThinPrep PreservCyt Cervista HPV HR (P080014) Invader technology E6/E7/L1; cocktail of 14 hr-HPV DNA probes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68); human histone 2 gene (internal control) 92.8 67.2 (aged ≥30 years)
Cervical cytology specimen in ThinPrep PreservCyt Cervista HPV 16/18 (P080015) Invader technology Cocktail of two types of sequence-specific DNA probes⁎⁎; human histone 2 gene (internal control) PPA, 85.7 (65.4–95.0) NPA, 95.9 (94.9–96.7)
HSV Vaginal lesion swab only (not for prenatal screening or in females <18 years); collected in Copan Universal Transport Medium or identical Copan- manufactured media formulation; an extractable sample processing control target is added to the specimen before lysis MultiCode RTx HSV 1&2 Kit (K100336)†† Real-time PCR using isoC:isoG synthetic DNA bp technology Glycoprotein gene segment of HSV-1 and HSV-2 HSV-1, 92.4 HSV-1, 98.3
MagNA Pure LC Total NA Kit and Magna Pure Instrument LightCycler 1.2‡‡ HSV-2, 95.2 HSV-2, 93.6
CT Endocervical (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine specimens (male and female); gynecological specimens collected in BD SurePath preservative fluid BD ProbeTec CT Qx Amplified DNA Assay (K090824, K091724, K081824)§§ Strand displacement amplification Alternate region of the cryptic plasmid 94.5 98.9
Endocervical and vaginal (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine specimens (male and female); patient-collected vaginal swab specimen is also accepted APTIMA Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis (K043072, K053446, K061413, K063451)¶¶ Transcription-mediated amplification 23S rRNA 95.6 98.8
Specimen that has been processed and tested positive by PACE 2 system for CT PACE 2 CT (K920302)¶¶ Probe competition assay; CT confirmation test 23S rRNA 91.7 98.5
Digene Cervical Sampler or Dacron swab placed in Digene Specimen Transport Medium Digene HC2 CT-ID DNA Test (K990023, K010892) Hybrid capture RNA probe cocktail complementary to CT genomic DNA; cryptic plasmid 92.3–97.7∥∥ 98.2–98.6∥∥
Endocervical (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine specimens (male and female) COBAS AMPLICOR (CT/NG) Test (K973707, K973718, K070174, K053287)‡‡ PCR Cryptic plasmid 92.9–94.1 94.7–98.4
NG Cervical and vaginal (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine (male and female); PreservCyt specimens; Surepath specimens BD ProbeTec GC QX Amplified DNA Assay (K081825, K090971)§§ Strand displacement amplification Pilin gene 99.3 99.4
NG Vaginal and cervical swabs; urethral swabs (male); urine (male and female); PreservCyt specimen APTIMA Assay for NG (K043144, K061509, K062440, K063664)¶¶ Transcription-mediated amplification 16S rRNA 92.3 99.8
Specimen that has been processed and tested positive by PACE 2 system for NG PACE 2 NG (K920301)¶¶ Probe competition assay; GC confirmation test rRNA 95.1 98.7
Cervical specimens collected using Digene Cervical Sampler and Digene Swab Specimen Collection kit Digene HC2 GC-ID DNA Test (K981485, K010893) Hybrid capture RNA probe cocktail complementary 0.5% of the NG genome, cryptic plasmid 92.6–95.2∥∥ 98.5–98.9∥∥
Cervical (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine (male) AMPLICOR CT-NG for NG (K974503, K974342, K070172, K053289)‡‡ PCR M.NgoPII putative methyl transferase gene of NG 95.9–96.5 98.7–97.3
CT-NG combined Vaginal (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine (male and female); patient-collected vaginal swab specimen RealTime CT-NG assay (K092704, K080739)⁎⁎⁎ Real-time PCR CT, cryptic plasmid CT, 92.5–97.8 CT, 98.3–99.8
NG, Opa gene NG, 87.0–100 NG, 99.3–100
Endocervical (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine specimens (male and female) BD ProbeTec ET CT-GC (K012351)§§ Strand displacement amplification CT, cryptic plasmid CT, 92.0 CT, 94.9
GC, Pilin gene GC, 96.1 GC, 98.2
CT-NG combined Endocervical (female) and urethral (male) swabs; urine specimens (male and female) APTIMA COMBO 2 (K003395, K022874, K032554, K043224, K060652)¶¶ Transcription-mediated amplification CT, 23S rRNA CT, 95.2–96.5 CT, 97.6–98.7
NG, 16S rRNA NG, 96.5–99.1 NG, 98.4–99.4
Endocervical (female) and urethral (male) swab specimens collected with the PACE Specimen Collection kits PACE 2C CT-NG (K940979)¶¶ Probe competition assay rRNA CT-NG, 96.8 CT-NG, 93.6
Cervical specimens collected using Digene HC2 DNA Collection Device or Digene Female Swab Specimen Collection Kit Digene HC2 CT/GC Dual DNA Test (K981567, K010891),††† Hybrid capture CT-GC RNA probe cocktail CT, 96.1 CT, 98.7
GC, 93.0 GC, 99.1
HIV-1 Human plasma specimens (ACD-A and EDTA) RealTime HIV-1 assay (BP060002)⁎⁎⁎ and m2000 (m2000sp + 2000rt) Real-time RT-PCR Integrase region in pol gene 40–10,000,000 copies/mL (HIV-1 groups M, N, and O)
Plasma extracted from blood collected using EDTA or ACD‡‡‡ AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR test, version 1.5 (BP950005/4)‡‡ and COBAS AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR test, version 1.5 (BP950005)‡‡ End point RT-PCR 142 bp in highly conserved region of Gag gene Standard, 400–750,0000 copies/mL; ultrasensitive, 50–100,000 copies/mL (HIV-1 group M)
Plasma separated from blood collected using EDTA COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 test (BP050069/0)‡‡ and COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan‡‡ Real-time RT-PCR Gag gene 48–10,000,000 copies/mL (HIV-1 group M)
HIV-1 Plasma extracted from blood collected using EDTA or ACD‡‡‡ VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA) (BP000028/0)§§§ and VERSANT Molecular System§§§ bDNA technology Pol gene 75–500,000 copies/mL (HIV-1 groups M and O)
Plasma or serum APTIMA HIV RNA Qualitative Assay (BL103966/5040)¶¶ Transcription-mediated amplification Highly conserved regions of HIV-1 RNA 100 99.83
Plasma or serum Procleix ULTRIO Assay¶¶ Transcription-mediated amplification Highly conserved regions of HIV-1 RNA, HCV RNA, and HBV DNA 100 (ULTRIO) 99.5 (ULTRIO)
Procleix HIV-1, HCV, and/or HBV Discriminatory Assays (BL 125113/33)¶¶ 100 (HIV-1 discriminatory) 99.7–100 (HIV-1 discriminatory)
Plasma or serum COBAS AmpliScreen HIV-1 Test (BL 125059/37)‡‡ RT-PCR Gag gene 96.5–98 98.9–99.7
HIV-1 drug resistance¶¶¶ Plasma samples from blood collected in EDTA ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System (BK030033)∥∥∥ and ABI 3100/3130 capillary electrophoresis platform⁎⁎⁎⁎ RT-PCR, population sequence analysis HIV-1 subtype B protease gene and partial sequence of the reverse transcriptase regions of the pol gene Validated for detection of drug-resistance mutations in 40 of 60 mutant/wild-type mixture samples with a viral load range of 2000–750,000 copies/mL
Plasma samples from blood collected using ACD or EDTA anticoagulants TRUGENE HIV-1 Genotyping Kit (BK090077)§§§ and OpenGene DNA Sequencing System§§§ RT-PCR, population sequence analysis protease gene and part of the reverse transcriptase regions Requires samples with viral loads ≥1000 copies/mL

ACD-A, anticoagulant citrate dextrose solution A; bDNA, branched DNA; NPA, negative predictive accuracy; PPA, positive predictive accuracy.

Sensitivity, specificity, linear range, and percentage positive or negative agreement with culture data are sourced from FDA submission material or product inserts.

Obtained from Qiagen, Gaithersburg, MD.

Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance referral Papanicolaou stain population, Kaiser Study, PreservCyt solution specimens.


Cross-reacts with HPV types 40, 53, and 66.

Obtained from Hologic, Madison, WI.

Cross-reacts with HPV types 67 and 70.


Cross-reacts with high levels of HPV type 31.


Obtained from EraGen Biosciences, Madison, WI.


Obtained from Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA.


Obtained from BD Diagnostics, Sparks, MD.


Obtained from Gen-Probe, Inc., San Diego, CA.


Depending on brush or swab specimens.


Obtained from Abbott Molecular, Inc., Des Plaines, IL.


This assay is indicated for use as an initial test and requires confirmation with the individual MID assays.


ACD specimens will yield approximately 15% lower test results because of the dilution effect of 1.5 mL ACD in the collection tube.


Obtained from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Deerfield, IL.


Provides information on resistance to nucleoside and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors.


Obtained from Celera Diagnostics, Alameda, CA.


Obtained from Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA.